Film "Ocular" |
- Diagnostics
- diagnostics of the retinal, optic nerve and visual pathways pathologies
- differential diagnostics, topics and the degree of the pathology
- early diagnostics
- precise treatment control
- functional condition in norm
- Areas of Application
- ophthalmology
- neurology and neuropathology
- neurosurgery
- clinical physiology
- pharmacological investigations
- general therapy
- ophthalmoergonomics
- The Designed Hardware
- IBM PC - compartable computer with VGA/SVGA card and monitor.
- The Stages of The Eye Fields Investigation
- kinetic perimetry (campimetry)
- static perimetry (campimetry)
- automated static computer perimetry (campimetry)
- color campimetry
- Color campimetry -
General Features of The Complex:
- the investigations of the central and the peripheral part of the visual field by the
areas of 20-40 degrees
- the time of the investigation 3-9 minutes
- the automated static computer methods
- the potentialities of the perimeters Humphrey, Perimat, Peritest, etc.
- the additional potentialities (for the differential and the early diagnostics)
- the investigation of the color sensitivity in the visual field
- the equalization on the subjective luminance in the visual field
- the wide range of the stimuli and the fixation object parameters
- the atlas on the typical and rare pathologies (being obtained in the leading
Russian medical centers)
- The Delivery Set
- "Ocular 3.0"-the program for the diagnostics of the visual system pathologies
- "Ocular 3A"-the PC-oriented atlas on the visual system pathologies
- the treatment course
- the 1 year warranty + free renovation
- the PC with photometry checked monitor (if necessary)